Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hello from Nigeria! Things are going great here; we hope you are all doing well. We have been
keeping up our hard work here in Kogi State. Jamison has become a general handyman, fixing the classroom block drainage problem, and dealing with several electrical problems that have come up. In order to make room for the new couples that are coming on the September 29th, we needed to move the dining room table out of the dining room and out into the assembly hall. Jamison installed a ceiling fan, a light and some outlets to this new extension of our home. It is really nice to have such a great workspace outside where we can watch the cows grazing in the front yard and be more available to the children that come to visit. Here is a picture of one of the students here watching over his family’s herd of cows. This is right out in the school yard, they cows come through here on their way to the creek at the edge of the school property. It is very exciting to be right in the middle of all that is going on! We don’t think the Nisoma is going to be built while we are here, there isn’t funding for it. We are feeding the children every day, traditional Nigerian food, and they are very thankful for it! I am still working on editing Phyllis’ movie about life in Nigeria. After that is done, we will begin filming another one that will tell the story of the little shepherds of the school. While we are doing that, Phyllis has one of the Fulani couples that live nearby building Fulani style huts on our
compound. It will be a Fulani camp for boarding Fulani students. There is a clan that lives in a different state that wants to send their children here, but don’t want to move here. Once these huts are finished and a bathroom facility is built, they will be able to come and live on our compound. It is very interesting to see how the Fulani build their homes. Here is a picture of me sitting inside one of the unfinished huts. We are excited about all the wonderful things that are going on here. We are very thankful for all of you praying for us and supporting us. We could not be here without you! Thank you, we love you and miss you!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Hello all of our friends and family! We miss you all so much! We hope that all of you are doing
well. We have safely made it up to Kogi State. This is where all the Fulani are living. School started on September 8th and things are very busy here! The classroom block that we told you about in July is still being worked on. It only needs shutters and doors now. The carpenters have finished the desks, so they are using three of the four classrooms as they are. The building has some drainage problems, so we are trying to get things figured out. Life is different up here; we are a half an hour away from the nearest town, living out near the bush. It is fun to live right on the school site, though there is much less privacy with all the children running
around all of the time! We love it though! We have yet to begin work on the Nisoma; we are waiting for funding to come in. There will be an article about the project in International Childcare Ministries’ upcoming Love Link, which is an online magazine that can be found on their web site. We have gotten some of the corn and soybeans that we will use to make the cereal planted. Soon we will be able to harvest them and make something to feed the children. In the meantime, the
Fulani children are being fed garri, which is a sort of cream of wheat made from cassava root, cream of cassava if you will. It doesn’t look appetizing to us, but the children love it. Here is a picture of the children waiting to get their garri. While we wait, Kristie is working on editing a video Phyllis made about life in Nigeria and Jamison has been working on fixing some electrical problems in the house and is doing some painting on the new classroom block. We are adapting well to life here in Africa, Jamison even let Kristie give him a new haircut! You can see it in this picture of him painting. We miss you all tons and love you very much! Thank you so much for your prayers and support.
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