Hello! We hope and pray that you are doing well. It is hard to believe that it is already the end of July! Things are going wonderfully here in Eket. The painting of the school is going more slowly now. This is a picture of one of the classroom blocks. We are doing mostly trim work, which takes much longer. It will look very nice when we are finished with it. They use oil paint for all of the trim and the stripe on the bottom of the buildings here. Their water based paint is not very weather proof. It makes cleanup slower, but it will last longer. The construction of the hostel is coming along very quickly. Though it has been raining quite a bit, they have been able to nearly complete the foundation. When it is finished, they will pour the floor and be able to begin building up the walls. It is very exciting to see it begin to take shape. This is the beginning of the foundation. You can see the trenches they dug, the block they have laid to bring it to the floor level and some of the rebar reinforcements for the support pillars. It is looking good! Six hundred bags of cement arrived yesterday, along with some gravel and sand, so we have all the supplies needed. They
mix their own concrete as they go, and a couple of guys have been working hard on making blocks. It is very different than the way we build things in the States, but they all seem to know what they are doing. When we are not working, we spend time reading and playing games. It is really nice to be able to come home and rest at the end of the day. There is a church that meets in the front yard, so sometimes we come home and there is a service going on. The pastor lives in a house on our compound, so we hang out with him and his wife sometimes. They have several children who keep the place from getting too quiet. It is a very nice house, we are very happy here. We hope that all is well with you, we enjoy hearing from you! Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Have a wonderful week!
Hi Guys, You seem to be having a wonderful time. It must be nice to be doing so much good and having wonderful experiences at the same time.
I am glad Diane shared this blog site with us, it gives us at home a small peek at how God is working in your lives. God Bless.
Todd and Dineen
You guys are doing a lot of work,and it looks really good. I'm glad you are both doing well, and I still miss you alot!
Love you,
I'm so glad to hear your positive reports! I'm still very excited that you two are having this chance to minister in Nigeria. We continue to pray for you! We've been enjoying watching the Olympic games, especially Michael Phelps. So far he's won 3 golds! Take care! Becca
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