Hello! We hope and pray that you are doing well. Things here in Nigeria are very fine. We are
finishing up the painting at the school. The outsides of the buildings are completed; we are just working on getting some of the rooms in the administration building painted. Here is a picture of the finished classroom block. The place looks very nice! A week from Thursday we will be heading back up to Kogi State. We are sad to be leaving the people here, but excited to return to the Fulani and work on our Nisoma. (That is the factory for making nutritious cereal we mentioned in July, it is Ni for Nigeria, the Bu of Busoma was for Burundi, where it was started.) This Sunday we will be returning to visit the orphan children that were branded witches or wizards. We will be having a small church service and presenting a wheelchair to one child who has tuberculosis. We are very excited to go and see them again! If you would like to know more about the work Sam is doing, you can visit their web site http://www.crarn.org/.We would like to ask you to pray for our conference superintendent, Reverend Joel Iwuk
and his family. Here is a picture of him and Kristie. He has been visited by armed robbers three times in the past two weeks. Robbery is not very common in this part of Nigeria, especially for it to happen so many times to one person! The first time they just took money and electronics but no one was hurt. The second time they came and searched the place, removing things from shelves and taking what they wanted. They also beat his wife, but she was not too badly hurt. The third time was just two days later, and they came not to steal things, but to kill him. Luckily, the family did not stay at their house that night, so no one was there. He has taken his family and moved them somewhere to protect them. He as reported all of this to the police, and they are working with the people of the village to patrol at night and try to capture these people. A few suspects have been arrested, and they are looking for more. We are praying that God would keep Reverend Joel and his family safe from more attacks and that the person who is behind this will be revealed and brought to justice. We are safe and well, we live about a half an hour away from there. We will keep you updated on all that is going on. Thank you for your prayers and support. We love you and miss you all.

1 comment:
Hey friends, I was missing you in church this morning, but celebrating you being gone. I sat with a guy named O.J. from Nigeria! He's a new international student. I had fun next to O.J. and "Raymond" who is from Taiwan. What a beautiful glimpse of Heaven in Rev. 7.9. Becca was in the nursery, otherwise she would have been having a blast in worship too. I am amazed at your reports. What marvelous lives the Lord is letting you touch. God bless those children and God bless Sam. May there be many children rescued from such hardships. Jameson, are you making a wheelchair out of a lawnchair? I tried opening the picture further but couldn't. I love it! Eat up every moment. We highlighted Leah and Kevin Book-Satterlee in church today as well. I can't believe they left a year ago. Wow, I can't wait to get back to China. It's good to be a part of your extended family. Thanks for letting us in. We love you and will pray very specifically for you both tonight. Adam (Becca, Sophia) Carpenter.
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